Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love of the Distance Derby

We have another wonderful poem that Team Grace posted on her page.
 I thought it says a lot about our DD2013.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
On those dark mornings when I rather roll over than roll out of bed.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
When I calculate the time to walk the dog, gas the truck, drive to the ranch, hook up the trailer, grab & water the horse, pray for an easy load, drive to park only then to unload & tack and ONLY then ride as long as I can!

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
As dollar signs, minus signs
all in red dance in my head!

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
In a Michigan winter that is 
only halfway through in March.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
Awaiting snow, sleet and ice's 
give way to Spring's muddy start.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
That has made the one and only drama free horse community.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
That has made every day 
come snow, wind, rain 
or an old lady's pain 
a riding opportunity.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
Whose given me an extra push 
to get my ass out the door.

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
That encourages my friends 
to ride ALOT more!

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
Whose loose measure makes me remember it ain't the hours or the miles it's the quality of 'em!

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
Whose trophy I will never win 
given I am a one horse recreational rider. Still it's Sunday calculations for the leader board encourage me to begin!

Oh how I love the Distance Derby
Because no matter what the final tally all those who have played will have progressed with their ponies, wearing more smiles and bragging about more miles where there were measurably less before!


  1. Perfectly stated and covers it all! Especially loved the "drama free" part!

  2. Yeah, that's my friend! :) and riding partner, too!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful photo - with poem to match!

  4. Being from the UP I can appreciate your comment about "Michigan Winter". Great poem and bundle up and stay warm!


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