Thursday, December 6, 2012

Team 56 - Nore Acres*

I have 3 horses, Major, Drifter, and Dan.  Major is grade, Drifter is Arab, and Dan is a Missouri Foxtrotter.  I live south of Lincoln NE on 40 acres.  Enjoy horsecamping and Competitive Trail Rides.



2012 / 301.48  Miles / 335th Place 


  1. Robin Nore
    I am in the Derby

  2. Come join the blue river PRR group this summer. :-)

  3. 2.59 miles 3/29/13

  4. Yay Robin! You are off the "hold" and officially on the Leaderboard :-) Awesome! Couldn't resist the beautifully warm calm day couldya :-)

  5. 3/31/13 2.25 miles

  6. 4/4/13 Around Home - 2.8 miles
    4/6/2013 - Wilderness Park with Shari Parys 11.7 miles

  7. Saturday, April 27th - Nickers N Neighs CTR - Perry Lake, KS 20.57 miles

    Sunday, april 28th - Nickers N Neigh CTR - Perry Lake, KS 17.77 miles

    Total 38.32
    Overall Total: 58.06 miles

  8. Saturday, May 4th Kanopolis State Park Kansas 21.89 miles
    Sunday. May 5th Kanopolis State Park Kansas CTR - 18.34 miles
    Total for the weekend - 40.23 miles

    Total derby miles to date: 97.91 miles

  9. 5.83 miles - Thunderstruck Farms, Sat May 11 - CTR clinic with Cheri J.

  10. Yeah Robin you got over 100 miles now! Sure had fun at the workshop on Sat. :-)

  11. Tuesday May 14th - Riding Lesson 2.38 miles
    Saturday May 18th - Hillsdale Lake KS - CTR 20.2
    Sunday May 19th - Hillsdale Lake KS - CTR 13.08
    Total for week: 35.66 miles

  12. Glad Sunday was a nicer day then it started out at H&D :-)

  13. Friday May 31 - Hillsdale Lake, Ks 1.68 miles
    Saturday, June 1 - Flying R Ranch CTR - West Plains, MO 18.73 miles
    Sunday, June 2nd Flying R Ranch CTR- West Plains, MO 19.28 miles
    Total 39.69

  14. Saturday August 24 - 19.94 miles
    sunday August 25 - 13.0 miles
    Turkey creek CTR Pre-ride

  15. Congrats on getting over 300 miles :-) So fun to do that timing ride!

  16. Sunday September 1st Wilderness Park - Old Cheney trail head to 14th streen trail head and back with Shari Parys.

    10.68 miles

  17. Brushy Creek CTR - Lehigh IA
    Saturday, Sept 14 19.94 miles
    Sunday, Sept 15 - 16.51 miles

    Total 36.45 miles.

  18. Tuesday October 1st beautiful night for a ride. I managed to squeeze in 20 minutes before the sun went down.

    1.81 miles around Nore Acres

  19. Thank you for the kind words. THese horses are amazing aren't they? I am on a mission to find out how to make a variety of gaited horses as good as they can be in endurance. Along the way, the training also makes for some really good trail buddies. I see you do CTR. Have you ever thougth about trying endurance?
    Keith Kibler
    Shawnee SUnrise Farm.
    Marion IL


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