Monday, January 28, 2013

Team 120 - Long Distance Rider

Hi all!  Connie Hoge - "Long Distance Rider" - Arlington, Washington.   I enjoy blogging @  when I'm not riding :-) This will be my first year in the Distance Derby.

Born with horses in my blood, I grew up in Boulder, CO. Summers were spent on my grandparents farm - where I rode my first mare all over the Iowa countryside.  We moved from Colorado to Washington in the early 80's.

After our girls were grown, we found our country home - with room for the Arabians who soon joined us.  Starting with Competitive Trail in the early 90's - within a couple years I was riding Endurance (1995-2012). Last summer I sold my endurance mare to Saudi Arabia & have "semi-retired" from the sport.

Now... with my 6-year old American Warmblood mare Farah, I'm taking a few lessons in Cowboy & Western Dressage & trying some "Extreme Trail" classes. I enjoy riding & camping with friends, seeing new country & anything that puts me in the saddle! 

I'm fine, I'm Ridin~


  1. Welcome Connie! My grandparents (Carlson's) moved to Boulder, CO in the early 1960's so I have lots of fond memories from there!

    Have fun in the Derby! It's going to be a great year!

    Marvel (Team 70) (I live in Nebraska.)

  2. I went to elementary school w/ a Debbie Carlson in the early 60's? Thanks so much for the welcome!

  3. I bet you have lovely places to ride up there maybe someday I will make it.

  4. We still do, mostly on the commercial tree farms in the mountains. Feel lucky to live close enough to ride there. For Sure! You'd be welcome!

  5. Hello and welcome! 120, wow, I can't believe how many riders the distance derby has this year. Be interesting to compare notes on western dressage in Washgton with NE, I just started taking lessons in it this year. :-)
    ~Jamie (team Blue's Clues)

  6. Thank you! Since I just found DD & we hope to move back to IA someday - I was happy to see that there are plenty of people riding in the middle of the Country!

    Me too, fresh to lessons & arena's :-) Prefer trail - so don't know how long I'll last...

  7. How to you market a horse to Saudi Arabia? Wow!

    Welcome to the Derby! Looking forward to hearing of your rides and following your blog.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Tammy! Thanks for the welcome! The mare sold herself. She actually had perfect conformation for endurance & a perfect record of race completions. It was a thrill to place her where she would have the opportunity to excel.

  10. Thick fog, cold, wet
    Victoria Village
    Sunday, February 3, 2013
    Hours: 1 hr. 58 min.
    Miles: 9.7 miles
    Miles to Date: 32.03

  11. The miles are put on the leader board on Sunday night. Its a manual process so you won't actually see them there until Diane records them and puts the chart up.

  12. Connie, I sent you an email concerning your Jan. hours. Please read the rules, they outline that only miles ridden after you have been officially entered in the Derby count. That means your 9.7 miles ridden today will be the first recorded for the Derby. Glad you got out and rode today even if it wasn't such a nice day :-)

  13. Oh, sorry! Was just thinking the "seven days"! :-)

  14. Sunshine, Warm!
    Ride from Home - found new trail!
    Monday, February 4, 2012
    Hours: 3.29
    Miles: 12.59
    Miles to date: 22.29

  15. I love finding new trails and places to ride, makes me feel like an explorer :-)

  16. DD, never did get the email from you? Think I have it figured out now :-) I did - like getting a Christmas present in February! :-)

  17. Overcast & cool
    Rode the Snoqualmie Valley Trail from Duvall to Carnation, WA & return.
    Hours: 2:49
    Miles: 19.47
    Miles to Date: 41.76

  18. Thursday, February 21, 2013
    Rain, low 40's
    Victoria Loop
    Hours: 1:48
    Miles: 8.64
    Miles to Date: 53.41

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  20. February 27, 2012
    From welcome Sunshine, to low overcast & rain drops~
    Bracken Road - Tree Farm
    Hours: 3:18
    Miles: 13.05
    Miles to Date: 66.46

  21. Lots of wind, high clouds - but warm! Mid 50's~
    Lord Hill Equestrian Park
    Hours: 2.54
    Miles 9.81
    Miles to Date: 76.27

  22. A perfect day! Sunshine, light breeze, 50 degrees - like riding through Narnia...
    Bracken Road - Tree Farm
    Hours: 2:24
    Miles: 10:68
    Miles to Date: 86.95

  23. Overcast but warm. Newly opened, the horse path to the side of the paved trail is still soft.
    North End - Centennial Trail
    Hours: 1.40
    Miles: 8.28
    Miles to Date: 95.23

  24. Spectacular Day! Sunshine, 50's, breeze, blue skies - just muddy :-)
    Bracken Rd. - Tree Farm
    Hours: 2:18
    Miles: 10:26
    Miles to Date: 105.49

  25. Overcast, rain moving in, it felt "cold". Walk/talk with a good friend who's conditioning back up.
    Victoria Village
    Hours: 2.59
    Miles: 9.25
    Miles to Date: 114.74

  26. Monday, March 11, 2013
    Sun-breaks,clouds, but warm!
    Exploring north from home~
    Hours: 2:29
    Miles: 11.03
    Miles to Date: 125.77

  27. Cloudy, 50, rain moved in.
    Found a parking spot at the trail-head 3-mi. from home for the Centennial Trail & rode to the end of the trail - until the next section is completed - which will be sidewalk through the industrial area. Then the trail picks up again for Equestrians on the north side of town.
    Hours: 1:45
    Miles: 12.30
    Miles to Date: 127.04

  28. Sunshine - perfect Ten Day
    Whitehorse Trail!
    Hours: 2:21
    Miles: 13.05
    Miles to Date: 140.09

  29. Gray, before the storm. Checking out the last section of the Centennial Trail. Then the beginning of the Whitehorse Trail from Arlington.
    Hours: 2:37
    Miles: 13.75
    MTD: 153.84

  30. Hazy Sunshine, endurance conditioning.
    Hours: 2.09
    Miles: 17.87
    MTD: 171.71

  31. Another hazy, sunshine day. On our own~
    Hours: 3:07
    Miles: 12.68
    MTD: 184.39

  32. Overcast & cooler, a slow ride with a friend~
    Hours: 2:41
    Miles: 6.93
    MTD: 191.32

  33. Today was the Day! I'd ridden Farah on certain sections, then we rode our bikes on the sections through the towns where horses are not supposed to go - then - this morning we started at the start of the Centennial Trail in Snohomish,WA & rode north. Through Lake Stevens, Arlington & to the Skagit County line! First equestrian to do the entire distance point-to-point!
    Hours: 4:04
    Miles: 30.13
    MTD: 221.45

    1. Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the great photos! Nice horse!


  35. Too fantastic to be the first horse rider on your ride today :-)

  36. Lots of horses use the trail, but the far north end has recently been completed & Arlington made it clear that horses were not expected in "town" - but we surprised them :-) Without that section available - horse people have to trailer around town & pick up the trail on the far side. The city representative was very gracious about our accomplishment & said that they do want people to "enjoy" the trail :-)

  37. Sunshine & in the 60's! Rode in the Snohomish Easter Parade with our Saddle-Up Group! I don't bother to log arena "miles" but will log these! :-)

    Hours: 1:19
    Miles: 2.23
    MTD: 223.68

  38. Tue. April 2, 2013
    Low barometric pressure, big change from five-days of sunshine. Overcast & cool. Whitehorse Trail~
    Hours: 1:36
    Miles: 12.85
    MTD: 236.53

  39. Another incredibly nice day! Just couldn't do anything but ride - out from home. Rain is supposed to be moving in... If I was heading for our first endurance ride of the season, as I usually would be... we'd be more than ready :-)
    Hours: 2.28
    Miles: 10.23
    MTD: 246.76

  40. Drizzle/cold - to sun-breaks. Rode with a friend on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail, out from Duvall.
    Hours: 3:37
    Miles: 14.33
    MTD: 261.09

  41. Heavy cloud cover, low 40's. Rode with a friend from Bracken Rd. Just as we returned to the trailers, the storm hit!
    Hours: 1:47
    Miles: 10.22
    MTD: 271.31

  42. COLD! Wind blowing & clouds. With a friend, riding slow.
    Hours: 4.00
    Miles: 11.90
    MTD: 283.21

  43. Meander from home. American Beauty, partly-cloudy, warm afternoon.
    Hours: 2:30
    Miles: 8.81
    MTD: 292.02

  44. A Spectacular Sunshine Afternoon! Our best of the year to date!
    Hours: 1:48
    Miles: 11.15
    MTD: 303.07 Yippee! Over 300! (Even with a month handicap!)

  45. Congrats on getting over 300 miles so far :-)

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Fri. April 26,2013
    At WA State Horse Park!
    Hours: 1:14
    Miles: 6.63
    MTD: 309.70

  48. ATCHA Competive Ride
    Hours: 1:27
    Miles: 6.10
    MTD: 315.80

  49. Heart Lake Trails, Whidbey Is. Perfect day! Tons of climbing!
    Hours: 3:11
    Miles: 9.85
    MTD: 325.65

  50. Victoria with a friend - walking ride.
    Hours: 4:19
    Miles: 11:35
    MTD: 337.00

  51. Bracken Road - Hot! 86 degrees!
    Hours: 2:18
    Miles: 11.91
    MTD: 348.91

  52. Victoria Trails - with three friends. Perfect 70+ degrees
    Hours: 3:21
    Miles: 11.12
    MTD: 360.03

  53. Victoria - heavy overcast, with two friends~
    Hours: 2:25
    Miles: 11.00
    MTD: 371.00

  54. Victoria again.
    Sunshine & warm - 80+, then the haze moved in over the Olympics from the Ocean & it cooled down to 74. Late afternoon ride, beautiful light on all the growing green! With a friends Granddaughter - her first ride this season. My first 40+ mile week!
    Hours: 3:41
    Miles: 10:54
    MTD: 381.54

  55. Victoria, on our own - break between storm systems.
    Hours: 2:21
    Miles: 12.41
    MTD: 396.95

  56. Ended up being a beautiful day, rode out from home as far north as we could get.
    Hours: 2:33
    Miles: 10.92
    MTD: 407.87

  57. Hmmmm, my spreadsheet says 405 miles????

    Congrats on getting over 400 miles :-)

    1. No problem, I'll re-ad - but I'm sure you're right!

    2. Error was on May 14th - you're correct & I've corrected my miles to date.

  58. Victoria, on our own, beautiful afternoon - we had a Good run!
    Hours: 2:59
    Miles 12:24
    MTD: 417.12

  59. Farah passed her American Warmblood Inspection on Sunday with a "Red Preferred" status & received her brand!

  60. We got to ride with a new person, on a friend's horse! It was fun to show off our views! Super fun ride! Our gallops are increasing in speed too! 27 mph today.
    Hours: 3:19
    Miles: 14.03
    MTD: 431.15

  61. In case you can't tell... it's been raining buckets for a week. I'm also "farm-siting" for a friend, so my ride time has been cut. Finally though - today - I Got out!
    Hours: 3:34
    Miles: 18.80
    MTD: 449.95

  62. On vacation at the ocean!
    Hours: 2:45
    Miles 11.11
    MTD: 461.11

  63. June 7, 2013
    Miles: 14.46
    MTD: 475.52

  64. June 8, 2013
    Nehalem Beach, OR
    Hours: 2.22
    Miles: 8.96
    MTD: 484.48

  65. June 9, 2013
    Nehalem Beach, OR
    Hours: 1:05
    Miles: 5.37
    MTD: 489.85

  66. Have a photo that I'd love to post?

    1. send it to me at distancederby @ gmail . com with your story and I will post it for you. That is the only way I know to do it :-)

  67. Out from home, we're loading up to go try a CMO ride this weekend!
    Hours: 2:47
    Miles: 10.00
    MTD: 499.97

  68. Fun, Fun, Fun! We took 2nd place on both days riding against Experienced riders! Of course all the credit goes to my two experienced team mates who mentored me.
    June 15, 2013 Sat.
    Hours: 2:56
    Miles: 13.27
    MTD: 513.24

  69. Les Hilde Trail-head - CMO Ride
    Hours: 1:40
    Miles: 7.63
    MTD: 520.87

  70. Sunshine in the City - Redmond Watershed & Kathryn Taylor Equestrian park. With two friends, endurance pace.
    Hours: 3:03
    Miles: 18.08
    MTD: 538.95

  71. To a Beautiful Waterfall! With three friends! Very technical & very beautiful!
    Hours: 3:24
    Miles: 9.66
    MTD: 548.61

  72. Rain over for now, trails muddy & soaked. Stayed on the logging roads for the loop at Victoria. On our own, an easy ride~
    Hours: 2:26
    Miles: 9.80
    MTD: 558.41

  73. Today we WORKED! Rode with my long-time friend/endurance buddy Joyce. WE climbed Mt. Washington! Absolutely breath-taking views! INCREDIBLE climb! Hot & Humid. Doing a blog post soon!
    Hours: 4:36
    Miles: 18.36
    MTD: 576.77

  74. Garmin Stats on yesterday's climb~
    Blog updated with photos~

  75. Tried to set up my heart-rate monitor, unsuccessfully... Rode & was caught out in a big thunderstorm, got out from under the power lines as the thunderclap hit!
    Hours: 2:06
    Miles: 6.58
    MTD: 583.35

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  77. June 28, 2013
    Arrived Renegade Rendevous Ride Camp, Old Sawmill Site, Nile,WA
    Pre-ride warm-up.
    Hours: 1:00
    Miles: 4.11
    MTD: 587.46

  78. June 29, 2013
    Renegade Rendezvous Endurance Ride, AERC, PNER Sanctioned. Finished 2nd place, Farah awarded Best Condition out of 51 horses entered.
    Hours: 5:30
    Miles: 25.00
    MTD: 612.46

  79. Congrats on 2nd place and BC for Farah!!! And on getting over 600 miles! Lots of great things happened :-)

  80. Thanks Diane! Was a little strange to ride a ride so familiar to me - but brand "new" to Farah! When I asked - she gave - & then some! :-) Blog story later today~


  82. Hot day, early start, great ride with three friends!
    Hours: 4:06
    Miles: 16.57
    MTD: 629.03

  83. With a friend, her ride - but a nice, flat, gravel, long, buggy one! Sunshine, warm, humid.
    Hours: 6:09
    Miles: 25.13
    MTD: 654.16

  84. Sunshine & a light breeze, with a friend - just cruizin~
    Hours: 2:39
    Miles: 9.10
    MTD: 663.26

  85. Partly cloudy, light breeze, humid - with a friend on a horse that needs conditioning. Farah's shoes about to fall off! Shoeing tomorrow!

    Hours: 2:22
    Miles: 10:12
    MTD: 673.38

  86. Cloud cover, breeze, quiet, with a friend who's not in the shape she usually is - but can always lead a nice tract to ride!
    Hours: 3:41
    Miles: 9.76
    MTD: 683.14

  87. We lost an endurance rider this weekend at the Bandit Springs Endurance Ride. Horse stepped in a hole, going fast, rider thrown - unconscious when found just moments later... OR nurse was second on the scene. Airlifted - passed away at the hospital...
    Saddened by the loss of a vibrant soul...

  88. Up to 80 today, 93+ humidity - but a nice breeze off the water. Rode again with my friend Linda - longer in miles & time both. Hopeful to get her into shape for some "swishing through the trees"!

    Hours: 4:26
    Miles: 11.90
    MTD: 695.04

  89. So sorry for the loss of the OR endurance rider. I had read it online as well and see that Julie from Team 32 knew her as well as she had midwest connections. Its a small horse world. And what a tragic accident. Take care.

  90. Tried out our trails from home after we spent 3 hrs. clearing just my access to them - on the 4th. Farah was surprised :-) Overcast & cooler - but the humidity was way high after the light rain last night & early this a.m. The blackberry vines are growing a foot a day!
    Hours: 2:37
    Miles: 10:11
    MTD: 705.15

  91. Blazing sunshine is back! Started out from Haller Park in Arlington, went over the trestle & headed north to the Red Barn - then return. Sunshine, mid-70's, high humidity. No other horses on the trail, a few bikes.

    Hours: 2:21
    Miles: 14.96
    MTD: 720.11

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Sunshine & warm day, rode with Linda again, on a mission to check out trails that were mowed!
    Hours: 3:53
    Miles: 13.11
    MTD: 733.22

  94. Another hot, humid day - clear blue sky. Rode an area where we hadn't been for a long time. More overgrown trails!
    Hours: 2:26
    Miles: 9.74
    MTD: 742.96

  95. Tried for a faster, longer ride. Rode with Lynn out from Kathryn Taylor Equestrian Park on the Redmond Trails system. Urban riding!
    Hours: 4:14
    Miles: 19:49
    MTD: 762.45

  96. August 2, 2013, Fri.
    Pre-ride ride out from the start at Bare Bones Endurance Ride, Evergreen Sportsman Club, Olympia, WA Capitol Forest

    Hours: 1:17
    Mles: 4.93
    MTD: 767.38

  97. August 3, 2013, Sat.
    Bare Bones Endurance Ride. AERC & PNER sanctioned. Third Place~

    Miles: 30.00
    MTD: 797.38

  98. Whew! HOT! At least for me, a cool weather rider~
    Took a good friend to the tree farm, then to ride the Centennial Trail out to the intersection of the Whitehorse Trail & over the Haller & Tin Bridges. She loved it :-)
    Hours: 4:31
    Miles: 17.18
    MTD: 814.56

  99. The ride we'd planned didn't happen, my friend had hauled two horses so another friend would be able to ride with us. She ended up with a "goat" emergency. So, one horse went back home & we met 25-mi. closer to home for me to get in a little ride at Lord Hill. Hot, humid - the trails baked & hard packed. Drove 90-miles for a short ride...
    Hours: 1:51
    Miles: 6.04
    MTD: 820.60

  100. I get Joyce out again for a ride! It was HOT again - 80 to me is HOT! Joyce is still my favorite trail "Master". Our course was fun :-)
    Hours: 2:11
    Miles: 11.48
    MTD: 832.08

    Yes! I'm still here~

  101. We make the local news :-)

  102. Met a friend up at Blanchard. Hopeful for a long ride - but was shorter than I'd have liked for 100-mi. round trip.
    Hours: 2:12
    Miles: 7.66
    MTD 839.74

  103. Rode with Tom Shea - filming for an upcoming episode of "Best of America on Horseback". Tom had some great stories & we all had a fun ride in the "mist".
    Hours: 3:02
    Miles: 6.72
    MTD: 846.46

    1. That is awesome! I love that show! Let us know when your segment will air!

    2. Will do,I think probably in November~

  104. Wow, riding with Tom Shay! I agree, let us know when it airs :-)

    1. Tom interviewed me after the ride, had Just taken the helmet off... So... if it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor... :-)

  105. Rode with Joyce - out of the Morgan Horse Club, stayed on the lower trails, but had one long, steep climb! Hot,humid & the bugs were bad!
    Hours: 2:53
    Miles: 16.05
    MTD: 862.51

  106. With Joyce & Joe - out from the MHC again - shorter version of the "loop" we're riding. Breeze, overcast & mid-70's. About perfect riding weather.
    Hours: 2:05
    Miles: 12.42
    MTD: 874.93

  107. Baker Lake Trail - With Charlotte riding Fancy. We started at the south end & rode All the Way to the top end - where my husband Butch was waiting with a truck & trailer! Very Technical, All trust in your mount as you cross over deep chasms, with roaring rivers flowing over huge boulders below. So many bridges that we lost count. The final bridge, a suspension bridge that swayed in the middle! Story to follow on my blog~
    Hours: 6:12
    Miles: 16.47
    MTD: 891.40

  108. Very muggy, rain last night - sun-breaks today. Joyce & I decided to see if we could get through on the upper loop & do the climb. On the way up we saw a Coyote! He followed us to the top! On the way down, we saw a young Bobcat! My first in the "wild"! The trail we'd planned to go back on was so overgrown with blackberry that after cutting our way for a couple hundred feet, we had to give up & turn back.Ended doing a much longer ride than we'd planned!
    Miles: 19.47
    MTD: 910.87

  109. Congrats on getting over 900 miles. Cool about the coyote & bobcat. Bummer on the longer ride :-(

    1. Thanks! We've had such a nice Summer - we're all going to be so spoiled when the rains return... We hardly even complain about going farther - but Joyce was late to work! :-)

  110. Back up to the "Blackberry" Trail w/Joyce. She & Joe had cut it all down yesterday - over an hours worth of hard labor with a machete! Then, on our way back - there was ACTIVE logging! The noise was incredible! We made it back safe/sound!
    Hours: 2:50
    Miles: 13.26
    MTD: 924.13

  111. Before the storm~ Cloudy, cool, foggy, perfect riding weather! Out "exploring" for trail with Joyce~
    Hours: 3:29
    Miles: 19:26
    MTD: 943.39

  112. Late afternoon ride from home on our own. Quiet & Beautiful.
    Hours: 2:24
    Miles: 10.04
    MTD: 953.43

  113. Got word that friends were riding today at Victoria - so joined them! Warm, but not the 93 of yesterday. Humidity still very high. Slower pace, new riders.
    Hours: 2:08
    Miles 7.69
    MTD: 961.12

  114. The day started off with fog, progressed to more fog, totally socked in - almost claustrophobic! Rode with a good friend, horse out of shape, husband with cancer...
    Hours: 5:07
    Miles: 12.15
    MTD: 973.27

  115. Cool & Cloudy, rode out from home. Hind shoes ready to fall off... Farrier coming on Thur., even at five-week intervals, run out of steel.
    Hours: 3:12
    Miles: 12:25
    MTD: 985.52

  116. We DID IT! Cool, rain, fog, but a Great ride with Joyce to kick us up & over the BIG 1,000! YIPPEE! Before the end of Summer too!
    Hours: 3.34
    Miles: 15.36
    MTD: 1,000.88

  117. Congrats on getting over 1000 miles :-)

  118. On our own. Sunshine, warm & humid. Rain moving in~
    Hours: 3:35
    Miles: 14.15
    MTD: 1015.03

  119. Out from home - on our own. Cool cloudy - but no rain. My Garmin acted up... It didn't start recording the miles until just over 1/2 way on out on our loop - but did record the time. I re-booted it & it finally started working. Since we did have to get back home from up there & it's our regular "home loop" I just doubled the distance that it did record. Probably a little short of what we actually did.
    Hours: 3:03
    Miles: 10.76
    MTD: 1025.79

  120. Out at Victoria, we went down to the bottom & took a long logging road that went on & on. Finally reached a dead-end where the road became a brushed over trail. Trotted the entire hill going back!
    Hours: 3:28
    Miles: 17.24
    MTD: 1043.03

  121. Got out between huge storm systems! Stayed dry - then the clouds opened up just as I was heading for the barn! Pruned blackberry & ate them - just moseyed along...
    Hours: 4.00
    Miles: 10:79
    MTD: 1053.82

  122. Confirmed - Sept. set a new record for Rain!

  123. To Kathryn Taylor in Redmond - gorgeous trails, gorgeous day riding with Lynn. Actually our first beautiful fall day so far~
    Hours: 4:23
    Miles: 20.02
    MTD: 1073.84

  124. The rain stopped, the sun came out!
    Miles: 10:48
    Hours: 2:49
    MTD: 1084.32

  125. Rode the length of the Cascade Valley Trail! Sedro Woolley to Concrete with Lynn!
    Miles: 21.84
    Hours: 4:06
    MTD: 1106.16

  126. Incredibly beautiful afternoon~ From home, with a chat with the neighbors who told me mail is being stolen from mailboxes...
    Hours: 3:37
    MIles: 11.10
    MTD: 1,117.26

  127. Farah met her sire! We had a Great ride at Victoria with Sandy & Ody!
    Hours: 4:51
    Miles: 11.57
    MTD: 1,128,83

  128. Rode the Whitehorse Trail - Incredible day & we found some munchkins waiting for us near Darrington! :-) Granddaughter Skyla rode with me on into town!
    Hours: 2:09
    Miles: 13.02
    MTD: 1,141.85

  129. Into the gray, wet, damp fog~
    Hours: 3:00
    Miles 10:55
    MTD: 1,152.40

  130. Riding the trails at Victoria with Linda. Finally, after four days the fog burned off & we had sunshine!
    Hours: 4:25
    Miles: 10:58
    MTD: 162.98

  131. We rode through a Wonderland today. With Joyce at Bracken. Fog to Sun!
    Hours: 2:29
    Miles: 10.66
    MTD: 173.64

  132. Back to Bracken & rode with Joyce. Such a magnificent day!
    Hours: 2:57
    Miles: 10:36
    MTD: 184.00

  133. October 29th 2013, Tuesday
    SVT Trail, Point-to-Point
    Hours: 6:15
    Miles: 32.04
    MTD: 1,216.04

    Sorry - just noticed that I dropped the 1,000 off my MTD :-)

  134. Got out with two VGF, ride cut short by a thorwn shoe - but otherwise just a perfect, high overcast fall day! We made up for it by going out for a bar-be-Que lunch!
    Hours: 1.51
    Miles: 6.70
    MTD: 1,222.74

  135. Rode out from the Morgan Horse Club- with Joyce & we invited Lynn too! Cold - but clear & beautiful. Squeaking in one more ride before the rain/wind storms return this week!
    Hours: 4.01
    Miles: 19.31
    MTD: 1,242.05

  136. On my own, riding between storms at Victoria~
    Hours: 2:37
    Miles: 11.94
    MTD: 1,253.99

  137. Rode Trails "new" to me, with Lynn & Lisa
    Hours: 2:53
    Miles: 10.40
    MTD: 1,265.39

  138. Rode with Lynn - from the Whitehorse Trail to the Centennial Trail & partial return to our pick-up point.
    Hours: 4:33
    Miles: 18.05
    MTD: 1,283.44

  139. Out from home~
    Hours: 3:16
    Miles: 10:45
    MTD: 1,293.89

  140. Ride from Kathryn Taylor Equestrian Park. COLD! Ground frozen solid -
    Hours: 4:31
    Miles: 14.77
    MTD: 1,308.66

  141. Rode from the Redmond Watershed - the day Warmed! With Lynn & two ladies "new" to me.
    Hours: 3:53
    Miles: 15.02
    MTD: 1,323.68

  142. Out from Joyce's - incredible day~
    Hours: 3:01
    Miles: 12.78
    MTD: 1,336.46

  143. Bridle Trails St. Park, Bellevue, to Kathryn Taylor Park, Redmond - Point-to-Point, with Linnea~ Cold - mid-30's & Sunshine!
    Hours: 4:35
    Miles: 15.08
    MTD: 1,351.54

  144. Rode with Linnea - from the 20th St. trail head of the Centennial Trail, up to Getchell Rd. & return. Low 30's - higher humidity - so felt bone chilling. Ground frozen solid - so we walked!
    Hours: 2:47
    Miles: 10:12
    MTD: 1,361.66

  145. Finally - a warm-up - stellar mid-December day! Rode with Joyce~
    Hours: 3:01
    Miles: 12:45
    MTD: 1,374.11

  146. Rode with Charlotte & Joyce. Accidentally shut my GPS off when I removed my coat at 2.26 miles. Joyce & Charlotte's Garmin's recorded our ride.
    Hours: 1:44
    Miles: 7.69
    MTD: 1,381.80

  147. Charlotte & Joyce had to go back to work & we'd had to make it an early start. It was only 11 a.m. & such a nice day that I decided to ride out again to the Tin Bridge. I didn't restart my Garmin, so have deducted the 2.26 miles ride #1, off the total of 10.60 recorded on my second ride.
    Hours: 2:05
    Miles: 8:34
    MTD: 1,390.14

  148. Over the top of my goal for the year! Joyce took us on a unusual "loop"! Perfect day!
    Hours: 2:51
    Miles: 12:40
    MTD: 1,402.54

  149. Congrats! What an accomplishment!

    1. Thank you Peggy Ann - I have really enjoyed the ride & darn proud of Farah going the distance! :-)

  150. congrats on getting over 1400 miles :-)

  151. To you too! Hard to believe how quick the year went!

  152. To the high country with Joyce~
    Hours: 5.12
    Miles: 21.07
    MTD: 1,423.61

  153. Last ride of the year~

    A note of thanks to Diane for all the work of keeping our ride records accurate & giving us a really fun place to "play"! I enjoyed "meeting" the riders & watching the rides! May we all have a New Year full of new trails & more saddle time!


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