Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7 Leaderboard Update

Here we are at the final quarter of the year.  Three more months of 2013.  My favorite time to ride.  I noticed the trees are starting to change colors and loose their leaves.  I'm hoping for a long, mild autumn.    Heard a great joke....Autumn is the only time that fall and riding should be in the same sentence :-)  Loved this!  Happy fall riding everyone :-)


  1. It is the best time of the year, wish Ray could see it, but he follows me on the trails.

  2. I think Team 94 Kally wins the award for I guess stupid. She knows me so this won't seem mean, lol. Meme thought it was her obit whenI sent her an email, lol. Tough, tough is what Kally is made of, and I mean that. New Leader is the joke.


Sorry to have to add the word verification. The spammers are hitting this site hard!