Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31st Leaderboard

Here is the January 31st MTD Leaderboard.  
The 2013 Distance Derby is officially closed to new riders.
Here are all the teams in order starting with most miles and ending with newest entries.  
We also have 6 entries under the age of 14.  We sure wish them the best.

For all our 129 riders....May the wind be always to your back, the sun shine just right, your ride be safe, sane and happy, with lots of smiles and laughter and may your horse enjoy it as much as you do.  Have a great year riders!


  1. I just realized Diane is having to read all of my comments as she is scribing the miles. Diane - I'm not riding so just skip all these comments of mine. I'll lay off for a bit and continue reading the bios another day. It is so fun to see where everyone is from, what they ride and their connection to whom...

    It might be fun later this year to have each of the riders talk about their favorite trails in their state so we can learn more about their area.

  2. Too cool to read all your comments to all the new riders :-) Would love to post about everyone's fave trails!

  3. It just occurred to me while reading the posts and with all the riders in lots of different states, that it would be helpful if you would put where you rode - even just the state - so we have an idea of what it is like in your neck of the woods. Since we have so many in Nebr / Iowa / KS, maybe put "eastern Nebr" or general location. Might help us network with other riders. Just a thought.

    Tammy in eastern Nebraska


Sorry to have to add the word verification. The spammers are hitting this site hard!