Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Team 103 - Artful Path

I'm Beth Ridenour from Lawrence, KS. I grew up in the flinthills with Quarter Horses, not knowing there were other breeds! Now in my 50th decade, I never thought I would have my own horse, but my friends supported and enabled me and now I own my adorable mare, Logen. Logen is seven years and we are going to grow old together.

I have many folks to thank. I want to acknowledge my friends in the Midwest Mustang and Burro Saddle Club. Logen and I ride for Mary Lou, our angel here on Earth, and for my Dad, a WWII veteran, and one tough, cool cowboy who didn't know it. 

"So often, we focus on what the horse is doing, and miss the fact that the horse's mind will affect what he does and how he does it. If we give attention to the horse - how he is feeling in the moment, where his thought is and offer him the help he is looking for - many of the things we thought were problems will be cleared up."  -Harry Whitney

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