Thursday, January 10, 2013

Middle of 2nd week of DD2013

Hi, DD2013 Riders :-)  As the new DD Admin it is really fun for me to be able to read everyone's posts about their rides.  I am amazed that we have so many riders signed up.  I posted Team 103 last night and we still have over 2 weeks left before we close the entries for DD2013.  A big WELCOME to all our Riders!

It is now the middle of the second week of the derby and it is exciting that we have 56 out of 103 teams already on the Leaderboard. It is January people how crazy are ya'll !!!  Is it crazy or dedicated, not sure which :-)  But then I rode yesterday, so it must be crazy......

I was helping a friend yesterday with her new Garmin Foretrex 401 GPS.  She has the same one I do so I had a few tips for her.  That little thing has more options then I will ever use but it is fun trying.  I shared that I upload my rides to Garmin Connect after my rides to keep track of where I went and to see the actual trail I was on.  Thought I might share it with all of you too.  I also found out that Garmin Connect also has an app for smartphones too.  That means if I use my phone as my GPS (which lots of DD Riders do) I can upload those rides too.  Too awesome!!

As I wrote before we have 103 Teams so far....notice I said so far....people seem to be coming out of the woodwork around here :-)  Most of the teams are in Nebraska (as expected) but we have a team in Michigan, one in Washington DC, more then a few out on the West Coast and some down south, up north and even Texas!  What fun.  Miles so far range from .70 miles to 81.75 miles with the most at 12 miles and under.  

Every single .10 th of a mile posted has a smile on it just because we are outside with our horses whether they are good, bad or ugly(name that movie), all of them always beautiful in their own way (name that song -- am I dating myself...), doing what we love to do.....RIDING!!  

I'll be officially updating the Leaderboard  on Sunday, January 13th around 10 pm.  So if you want all your rides for the week in that update, get'em to me before 10 :-)  Have a great rest of the week!  Diane / Luvriden

1 comment:

  1. I have added a tab at the top of the Derby called GPS Basics. I only know what I know and perhaps it will help you find a place to start with your GPS.


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